The culture is the company. MY values
, the
to teach, and the
to perform as a professional.
MY English School is a team of dedicated professionals. We all have experience teaching elsewhere in Japan, and each of us has the driving conviction that English education can and should be better. We work as a team to provide better educational experiences to our students and better professional experiences to our co-workers.
MY allows the self-motivated teacher many opportunities to try out ideas both in and outside the classroom. If you would like experience in making materials, creating a curriculum, or training new teachers, MY can be a great place to grow those skills, too.
What is different about MY? We expect the best from our employees, and we reward employees accordingly. MY commits to industry-leading salaries with paid holidays. We provide long-term career paths with school and curriculum development responsibilities. We create opportunities for our employees to improve themselves and improve MY. MY teachers have completed (and been rewarded for) impressive projects related to curriculum development, hiring, evaluation, online offerings, and more.

Jessica Takeda
MY Club
Joined MY in 2015
MY is one of the few schools in Japan to close all of its schools for seven days a year to gather its employees for training and professional development. Research has shown that one of the top factors influencing student achievement is teachers communicating and exchanging ideas about teaching. MY commits time and money to make our teachers better.
This is the hardest I have ever worked as an English teacher, but at the same time it’s some of the most interesting and rewarding work that I’ve done in my career.
At MY, we promise a lot to our students. We promise them engaging lessons using the best teaching methods and a strong curriculum. We promise them excellent teachers. Most of all, we promise them that they will learn, progress, and step closer toward their goals. We aim to keep these promises. At MY, this means giving teachers freedom to design innovative lessons and activities.

Pat Conaway
Minami Yamagata School
Taught at MY 2012 - 2018
Teaching at MY is challenging. Our goal is that our teachers are always well-equipped and receive the best training. This means keeping our teachers current on the latest developments in second-langauge acquisition, providing ourselves a practical understanding of how the brain learns language, and ensuring that we are proficient in effective classroom techniques to promote active learning among our students.
Along with this freedom, we expect a high level of responsibility from our employees to do what is best for our students, for themselves, and for MY. We are not looking merely for warm bodies in a classroom. We are not interested in people who merely want a salary or a visa sponsorship. Teaching at MY is a demanding job. We seek people who understand teaching as a profession, and we aim to reward the excellence that our teachers bring to MY.